Shooting Holes in the Moon

I'm a cipher wrapped in an enigma covered with secret sauce. - Stephen Root

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

tag, you're it

Originally uploaded by jaymce.
One of the coolest things about Flickr is the ability to "tag" photos. In other words, you can label your photos with as many keywords as you wish. This helps you stay organized, and it allows others to search and find photos more easily. This, for example, is one picture that will come up if you do a search on "Saigon". It will also come up if you do a search for "Vietnam", "weathered", or "license". I originally thought this was Photoshopped, but now I'm not so sure, judging from the other pics by the same person who, by the way, does amazing work. Check out his other stuff if you have time to kill.

You can see a list of Flickr's most popular tags here.


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