Shooting Holes in the Moon

I'm a cipher wrapped in an enigma covered with secret sauce. - Stephen Root

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

the twilight years of tennis

There's a fantastic article in Slate that tries to explain why tennis and golf - those two traditionally upper-crust, country club pasttimes, have diverged in popularity. The writer, Field Maloney, argues that tennis, while trying to broaden and democratize it's appeal, is steadily losing viewers and players, while golf, which has made no such attempt, is more popular than ever. Sad and ironic, isn't it? You can read the article here:


  • At 4:15 PM, Blogger LeAnn said…

    I decided to start playing golf so I'd have more appeal in the boardroom. However, I enjoy golf for the challenge, the relaxation, the freash air, and the 7:30 a.m. cocktails on the course!


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